Our Girl !!


Nicole Anne Hamilton
( 10 months old)

Nicole is now 1 year old.
She is 2' 8" tall, and weighs 28 lbs!

We're now putting her into the T3 size clothes.

High Resolution 8x10 Photos For Download
Cheerleader | 8 Month Portrait | Nicole in Black | Girl in a Bag | Beach Girl | First Halloween

Nicole runs everywhere these days, She's pretty much in high gear all the time.
Her latest nick-name is "Evy". She walks around blowing rasberries all the time. She sounds like an Evinrude boat motor.
She has most of her teeth coming in now, include several of her molars.
She is saying a few words, and getting more every day. She surprised me the other day when she picked up a rubber duck in the bath, and said "duck". She is really starting to mimic Anna and I about the names of things (even if she mangles the words badly, she is trying)..
She has been on solid "adult" food for a few of months. The other day she demolished half a hot dog, a small bowl of mac-n-cheese, a few green beans, and a little fruit. She also really loves any kind of pasta.
Check out Nicole's picture galleries below, using the Photos button below.


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